When: December 15 | 12:00 – 1:30 PM
What: Nonprofit Board Development
Colorado Nonprofit Association’s Amber Coté presents a robust discussion of the roles and responsibilities of nonprofit boards. Examine the statewide nonprofit climate; legal & fiduciary responsibilities; critical roles and functions of the board; and have some fun in the midst of these unusual times. DOOR PRIZE: One participating organization will win a free, three-hour board training with Amber for your ED and Board Chair. Could also be included as part of an upcoming Board retreat.
Register in advance here:
Watch previously recorded webinars here:
September 8: Cash Flow Projections
Cash is your most important response and recovery tool. Join us for this Nonprofit Finance Fund webinar to teach you how to forecast the timing of cash in and cash out of your organization. Walk through a demonstration of the Nonprofit Finance Fund’s cash projecting tool. Includes a Q&A session with local financial experts and Community Foundation finance committee members.
September 22: Budgets & Scenario Plans
Deep dive into day-to-day management (budgets) and strategic decision making (scenario plans), with special considerations for COVID-19 impacts. Walk through a demonstration of the Nonprofit Finance Fund’s scenario planning tool. Includes a Q&A session with local financial experts and Community Foundation finance committee members.
October 6: Reinventing Fundraising During COVID-19
Nonprofit consultant Denise Clark shares online fundraising strategies to replace in-person asks and events. Learn how to enhance your individual donor program and deepen relationships with donors. Discuss how to balance drastic measures with frugality and reserves.
October 20: Managing People in Pajamas
Nonprofit Consultant Denise Clark shares how to successfully build a remote workplace culture, including a look into best practices when layoffs and furloughs become necessary.
November 3: Southwest Colorado Gives and Your Year-End Ask
Staff from the Community First Foundation will join us to discuss details for this year’s Gives Day, December 8. Novice and veteran Gives Day organizations will have something to learn! Discuss innovative, new video storytelling options, as well as marketing nuts and bolts of the campaign.
November 17: Don’t be a Zoom Zombie
Learn bells and whistles to host engaging and interactive virtual meetings and retreats, presented by nonprofit consultant Sandhya Tillotson.
December 1: Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times
Planning for tomorrow, while increasing responsiveness and relevance for today, presented by nonprofit consultant Sandhya Tillotson.