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As 2024 comes to a close next week, we are excited to share that the Community Foundation serving Southwest Colorado was able to give out $75,000 this year from our SPUR Fund.

SPUR stands for Special Projects Uniquely Responsive; A new fund at the Foundation dedicated to flexibly providing unsolicited dollars to organizations to promptly respond to community needs.

Some of the projects we donated to were outside nonprofits and other organizations with immediate needs, while some were given internally to bolster the impact of the Foundation’s existing programs. Here is the complete list of where the SPUR Fund went this year:

  • 4 the Children
  • DAC Audit
  • Molas Scholarship
  • Archuleta Fund Match
  • La Plata Fund match
  • DHS Athletics
  • Senior Centers in all 5 counties – Holiday Gift cards
  • ROCK (Reaching Out to Community and Kids) in Dove Creek
  • Good Sam Food Collective in Cortez
  • Silverton Public School – Backup generator

We visited many of these organizations in person with the check and gift cards in hand, some with spontaneity! It was wonderful to give a welcome surprise to organizations that we’re so thankful to have in our communities.

If you’d like one of our days out delivering SPUR Funds and cheer in Cortez and Dove Creek, check out the heartwarming video below with Executive Director, Briggen Wrinkle from early December.

To keep the SPUR Fund funded and stronger for next year, we’re asking for 40 people to donate $2,500 (or $625 per quarter) in 2025. Our goal is to grant $100,000 to local nonprofits through our SPUR Fund in honor of our 25th anniversary, accelerating programs and organizations that focus on cultivating a stronger tomorrow in Southwest Colorado.

If you or someone you know would like to make a meaningful, noticeable, and immediate difference for our region’s nonprofits by donating to our SPUR Fund, visit our SPUR Donation Form to easily make your contribution online. We greatly appreciate your support!

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